Yes, this was exactly the title of an article witten by Ken Auletta I read in magazine "The New Yorker" April 26 edition. I begin to have a better insight of these eBook reader thingy and thus, what's so big deal and significance of iPad launch....
The publication industry has been going through major overhaul not found in the last many centuries since man first invented paper from papyrus plant. In the early era, probably 5-10 years ago, Early generation of eBook readers like Rocket eBook was subsequently close down due to high cost and strong opposition and minimum support from the publishers. Think about it, which publisher in her right frame of mind would want to abandon it's profitable brick and mortar business and venture into a totally new business model and loses it's profit? Therefore, the ebook dies on it's natural cause.
In the last 3-5 years there was again a shift in this new media paradigm and as a result, the push for electronic books becomes alive again due to the high growth in broadband Internet subscribers worldwide and better eBook reader product. Amazon, being the world leader in book business sees the opportunity and begin to aggressively pursue this e-book business arm by buying the rights from publishers at $13 and then reselling back to consumers at $9.99 per ebook through their ebook reader called Kindle at a lost in order to gain market shares in this new emerging market. Of cause, they have the "muscle" to do this. This initiatives, however, displeases the publishers as it means that books will not cost more than $9.99 ever again which in turn means it will soon becomes a commodity business but nonetheless, the book publishers companies has no choice. It's like take it or leave it.
Apple iPad launched now put the equation to a slightly different stance as what it mean is that now publishers can go for Apple ways of business collaboration instead of publish or perish under Amazon's commodity mode. With it's more advanced eBook reader functionality (I've no doubt about that if you look at iPad verses the monochrome version of Amazon Kindle), publishers are now hoping that Apple can grasp into market share from Amazon and elevate the publishers to slightly above the commodity level that Amazon is positioning itself. Therefore, underneath lies this significance of the Apple iPad launch and many are looking at what Steve Jobs is up to in this new venture. Some analysts are however skeptical on what Apple will do once it gained it's market momentum as they cite the example of how Apple has historically employed similar cut-through tactic in the iTune music business.
In short, iPad is to be viewed as eBook reader rather than a Netbook contender although it has added capability to function as one if one consider Internet surfing to be one.
Having said so, I still feel that the size of Apple iPad is slightly too bulgy for one as such purpose (see my earlier post). Personally, I feel that in retrospect, Barns & Noble's Nook eBook reader has a slightly more comfortable size and weight for functionality such as this. Again, how many avid readers will switch to eBook in the near future and willing to pay for such intangible bits & bites remains yet to be seen. For me, holding a paperback book and the ability and liberty to rough handle it (drop it if i wants, folding the pages that I last read) remains an interesting experience that I associate with when reading a book. Besides, hanging around in bookstore like Borders or Kinokunia is still an interesting weekend past time for me. I guess I'm not so ready to march into this era yet. Time will tell but I hope books will still be around and hopefully it will not cost more to buy one from the bookstore when the time eventually comes.
My dream eBook reader is one that is water-proof, light-weight and made of flexible casing like silicone rubber.One that you can bring to swimming pool and relax.When that dream gadget arrives, I'm sure I would love to owe one!
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